WARNING: This entry is suuuuuperrrr long with maaaaaany pics...
Remember this entry?
Aku dok sibuk2 nak mencarik SSC kan...
Pastu aku dok melangut kat MBW..
Pastu aku try test MT (mei tai) Hanim, then aku try test SSC Syaz Jumpsac. Baca psl MT and Jumpsac SSC tester.
Kat MBW aku kenal ramai BW otais... macam2 aku baca tentang MT, SSC, wraps (yet to try this one.. rase tanak lah, takut hook hahha)..
Antara nye aku kenal Kak Yaz - she's a mother of 6, very passion (addicted?) to strollers.. in fact dulu2 masa aku rajin bloghopping aku pernah gak terjah blog stroller kak yaz ni.. Kyaz kira baru in BW.. so dia dok mencarik SSC jugak..
tp kyaz ni bagus, berani cuba.. so dia beli SSC Jumpsac and later she bought O&A (Olive and Applesauce) SSC - a US-made carrier. And she bought this carrier in both size 16" and 18" (FYI, that's the height of the body panel of the carrier) for her sons (Harraz 1+yo and si comel Jabb 5mths kan kyaz kan??)
so satu hari ni, aku came across one of her thread on Babyhawk Oh Snap (BHOS)SSC. Kyaz dah order this carrier cos she's so curious abt this carrier's headrest.. so aku pon saje lah bagi msg tanye OS dah sampai ke? Then saje tease dia ckp, "kyaz dah banyak carrier tu tanak ke let go yang lama?"
then she replied, "nak ke?"
ehh apa lagi... aku pm dia and tanya bebetul.. actually more abt the carrier ie best ke tak etc..
cut the story short, she really letting go her 16"...
after few days kami ber'message', carrier pon bertukar tangan.... yeayyyy
ohh sampai sekarang kami masih ber'msg' citer pasal SSC.. kan kak yaz kan?? Aku suka je layan hahahah nak beli tak mampu, so layan kan Kyaz shopping pon jadik la hehhehe
kyaz poslaju dalam USPS original box.. ku sungguh teruja bila tau dah sampai...
Faris tido bila carrier ni sampai, so aku try carry Fatini. (Haziq takmoh!).. she felt weightless... yeayyy i LOIKE this carrier -- MY FIRST SSC!!!
Olive & Applesauce (O&A)
the fabric of body panel.. gender-neutral (GN) bak kata kyaz ;)
yeayyy my first SSC!!
inside panel
hood down
hood bleh sorok dalam nih (sorry gamba blur)
the hood clip
hood clip to this D-ring on the shoulder pad
hood simpan dalam 'poket'
infant harness
the infant harness is adjustable with these 2-level velcro -- Faris still using the 1st velcro on so that he sits higher up in the carrier
that's my happy model..
me wearing him outside for the first time in this carrier.. masa ni he's using the 2nd velcro, so he was kinda sat lower in the carrier (get what i mean?). Kalu tak pakai harness langsung, dia lagi tenggelam. Harness ni bukan je untuk bagi baby kecik dok tinggi sket dlm carrier, tp jugak ciri-ciri keselamatan. Lagi satu yang best nye, u can pass the baby without taking him out of the carrier. Just unbuckle the carrier, then pass to your DH (for eg), then DH leh terus buckle up the carrier... best kan???
bila jalan2 and Faris tak dok dalam carrier (contoh masa makan, dia duk kat baby chair), carrier ni aku buat camni.. just roll the body in, and jadik la camtu.. pelik gak rupanye kan hahha
cara lipat & simpan carrier (tatau la betul ke tak, janji terlipat lawa haha)
ni gamba depan
the action pics:
Faris sangat suka... u can tell rite??
"yupp the strap is yummy, mummy". Oh yes, daddy can wear him too... (FYI, DH never wear him using ringsling pon, ni first time tau. Bila ku cakap dalam keta yang daddy kena carry Faris, dia replied "tak kisah.." then bila tengok dia carry, ku pon sibuk2 la cakap "meh sini mummy carry plak", tp dia tak bagik tau hahhaha -Daddy suka ke carrier mummy nih??)
if u were wondering what is that strap doing behind my back -- that's the chest strap.. it's called so cos when u back carry, the strap is located at ur chest hahahha.. bila front carry, camtu lah rupanye.. kalu takde chest strap ni, nanti shoulder straps tu senang jatuh..
back carry -- first time in public. Thanks to the harness, it made the transition easier (just bukak shoulder straps, then shift him to ur back, then wear the shoulder straps again just like u are wearing ur backpack. Dont forget to lean fwd a bit, so that baby is secured when u were trying to backcarry. For amatuer seperti ku, pembantu spt DH atau maid ku sangat2 diperlukan, ai tak berani lagi buat sorang2 hahahha)
kalau tido, patut leh pakai hood tu so that kepala baby tak 'terlentuk' ke belakang. Tapi sebab Faris tera adjust kepala dia so that melekap terus kat dada mummy, so ku tak payah pakaikan hood tuh. (nnt ada action pic aku tunjuk kay)
kadang2 aku rolled up the hood so that leh jadik cam 'headrest' plus i dont like the hood to obscure my lovely print :p
itulah kisah nye....
And i really considered myself lucky to know kak yaz.. she's such a lovely sister to me.. (and of course sbb ku dapat beli carrier kyaz hehehh, p/s kyaz kalu mau let go carrier lain, bgtau saya dulu tau heheh)
And i'm considered luckier, cos not long after i decided to buy this carrier from Kyaz, Jumpsac.com tutup order SSC due to their overwhelming orders, then Liza snuggbaby.com was blessed with a good news that she's expecting her 2nd child, so had to temp close the store for order too... uhuk uhuk... sib baik beli lah.. kalu tak, terkulat2 diriku nak carik SSC
okay, ni kira intro, next entry ku bagik review okeh...
Wow!!! Seronok tgk all the pictures!!
Glad you love it Norley!!
Terror nya fold the O&A.I can't even fold as neat as that.Jeles!!!
And great idea to roll the carrier bila bb tak ddk dlm tu.I need to try that out!
And you are a lovely sister to me too.In fact rasanya sejak Kyaz kenal Norley..Kyaz byk nyusah Norley!Thanks for all the help.
You are such a wonderful person to know.
bestkan SSC, Hadiff xsuka duduk lam Boba may b he does not use to it.. second child yg nak kuar nih aku nak make sure akan di'train' dok lam SSC awal2 lagik..
Norley, ko mmg power psl BW nih.. kudos to you.. and the pics. nnti aku ada baby kecik, aku consult ko to increase me knowledge ek.. membeli tk mampu ler since aku stil Baby Bjorn'er.. hahaha..
take care!
kak yaz.. mana terer nye fold tu, i tot u did a better job when u posted it to me...
Rozy~ probably Hadif dah besa and dh dpt 'kaki' so lagi suka "free" drpd kena carry gitu.. i think Faris mmg suka sgt kena carry sbb dia udah biasa digendong begitu sejak dari lahir buk... LOL
Nana~ u are more than welcome to join the BW club.. err bila tu?? Sooner?? takpe, BB ko kira carrier lain, u can try ringsling or pouch plak..
Aku sejak dok BW, cloth diapering ni mmg terasa nak baby kecik je ahahhahah
oh tidaak! sgt cantek & menggoda keimananku..he..he..
Nik Ha~ best tak tipuk... alamak jgn sampai tergoda iman. tatut nye... meleleh air liur berbaldi2 takpe :p
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