nak amik gambar bum HaziQ, tp Fatini pon sibuk.. isk malu CUTE tak ??? ;p i think they are cuter cos of the pose hehehhe
"hmm.. camtulah anak mummy, ihikkss"
and my maid bagitau -
"kakak, 'pampers' yang hijau baru tu bagus kakak. Haziq pakai td, lama tahan tak bocor"
"pampers' yang mana??"
(she meant fleece CD that i bought from ridzs last week)
"pakai berapa 'dalam' nye (read inserts)?"
"dua, tapi tahan kakak"
ehh.. bagus la plak, maid aku yang bagi testimoni.. hehehhe Ridzs, kira okay lah dpt good review (eventhough dr my maid ekk) *winks*
sebabnye, aku ni tak nyempat le nak menCD kan anak sendiri
well, my opinion(s) on ridzs CD --
- nice/yummy colour - since i bought it in lime green - my fav! [they also come in blue/black, black and white with black inner.]
- the fleece is thick - so i'm sure they're really breathable and 'tahan' too. Also stay dry on HaziQ's bum-bum. If not sure he'll complain 'dh basah'.
- the insert comes in colours and also thick (mine is lilac, the other 2 L size are in blue and green). I shall try using 1 insert and see how long it lasts eh..
- also bought extra inserts in L/XL size, so they are long and sure'll fit for larger CD. And PLUS i got 2 free fleece liners (i admire the blue camo print)
**well, ridzs, leh order lagi with the promotional price ke??** ~you go girl...~
Ya Rabbi cute nya gambar anak2 ni hee hee...
Ridz is so blessed..dah lah boleh jahit utk anak sendiri guna..pastu boleh jual pulak tu :)
SOHO mama~~ u think they are cute??? Kalau amik gamba macam tu mmg laju, kalau nak suruh pandang camera bebetul, masyaAllah punya lah susah...
your Zuleyka is sooooo CUTE, full of facial expression hehehhe
wa..tq very2 much for the review...really appreciate it...terharunye.....ade AIO coming soon...tunggu reda2 sket keje kat ofis...
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