Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
My 4th delivery story
Well, u know i had my last check up on friday 22/6/12 and how i was a bit depressed when prof checked, baby is still showed no signs to come out soon??!! -- cervix still unfavourable, baby still up high.. T_T
Honestly, i was depressed after that!! I did nothing, but prayed to Allah to make this delivery a speedy and ease one... I believed His plans are always the BEST!
So with a positive mind, i planned my weekend with the kids.. Since that weekend suppose to be a 'packed' one:
- fatini's school's open day (ambik report card), and also abang Ayish's birthday on Saturday
- haziq's sports day on Sunday
But putting those plans aside, i secretly hoping to deliver on Saturday so that baby will share the same birthday with Abang Ayish.. Hihi
So that night, i couldn't sleep. Partly, i was not sleepy cos i slept the whole evening sebab depressed . And partly because baby was active (but with very mild & bearable contractions -- so i dont think i'll be in labour soon!!) and i was thinking of 'how-to-get-this-baby-out-asap-but-safely'?? -- yes seriously!!
At 12am, i received a work-related phone call -- for urgent serology workup for 'needle-prick injury'.. I was thinking, should i pass this case to my colleague (since i'm on MC till Thursday) or i'll settle it tomorrow.. But heyyy "it was 12am and i'll settle it myself! No harm, it's my job anyway!! and i wont be in labour soon, right??"
I did not know what time i fell asleep until i woken up at around 2.50am feeling my panties wet. I thought i peed, but there was no feeling to pee. I got up fr bed and a gush of fluid came down! Oopsie i know it must be my water! Sign of labour!! O.o
I went to the loo, no show on my panties, just a clear fluid. And more fluid came down when i stood up/walked.
I woke my hubby up, told him and since it's only 3am, we donno if we should go straight away to the hospital or wait? I have no intense contractions, just irregular ones but still bearable!
But since fluid still gushing out everytime i stood up, so we decided to go to PAC, plus it's leaking liquor (amniotic fluid) -- there'll be risk of infection or u can go into labour anytime soon....
Arrived at PAC around 4am, had CTG done, it was reactive (baby heatbeats ok with few irregular contractions). When the on-call doctor did a VE, my cervix only opened 1cm!! So i was admitted to the ward first until nxt review at 8am. Prof was informed and since it may take few more hours, she will come over later.
I was admitted to Wad Sutera Room 7. I tried to get some sleep cos i knew i'll be in labour later. I need the energy!! Though I started to feel the real contractions later, but still irregular.. (i suddenly recalled the real contraction pain --- pain around the waist, down my legs and pain that made my legs cramped and my face crinched in pain!!!)
I couldnt get a good sleep, partly because i was anxious with the contractions.. My eyes kept looking at the toco reading on the CTG machine. But i managed to sleep for at least 1/2 hour straight at 6 am. Then i woke up, cleaned myself up (fluid still gushing out everytime i stood up) & performed my Subuh prayer sitting down.
Around 7am, breakfast was served -- i had roti telur & sausages. I must eat cos i was sure i'll be in labour soon..
8+am, Dr. A came and checked on me -- i already opened 4cm \O/
So, i was transfered to labour room, and i requested an epidural huhuhu... I wanna have a 'more relaxing' aka 'painless' labour!!
In the LR, the midwife buat VE lagi.. Iskk nyampah!! Then i had enema (to help me BO as prep b4 pushing!).. Then IV line inserted!! [Erghh apsal la letak kat wrist... Sakit le!!!] Then i was strapped to CTG machine-- to monitor my contraction & baby's heartrate.
Then Prof came, asked me if i wanna epidural or pitocin first? -- errr of cos i said "hepidural first plssss"... ;P
Then, an anaesth came, Dr. A**r -- he inserted spinal + epidural -- it was qwik, less than 10mins fr drape time.. Sakit masa inject local je, masuk jarum spinal/epidural x rasa langsung phewhhh.. Siap nyanyi2 tu masa buat tu..
Then start garu sana sini -- that was one of side effect of spinal anaesthesia.. But this was not too bad, i remembered during Fatini's, i was scratching like mad as soon as the meds got in -- non stop for at least 1/2hour esp waist down... Erghh...
Then pitocin was started... It was around 10.30+am kot.. And i tried to get some sleep... Once in awhile, midwife came in and asked me to change position as 'baby was asleep'.. So CTG 'tak cun'..
Near 12pm, midwife & MO came in cos baby's heartrate showed 1st degree/early deceleration -- heart rate slows down after contraction. Normally, the heart rate is slowed down during contraction, not after!
The MO examined, i was around 8-9cm opened but baby's head still at station -1. Prof was on her way *sempat ke ni??*
Tiba-tiba midwife & MO kalut2 cakap baby bradycardic (heart rate slow sgt), and she examined me again, this time baby's head was low and i almost fully-dilated. Dia suruh aku teran2 sket... "Deyyy!! Jgn buat aku panik bleh??"
Tp bila tuka position, heart rate picked up.. Tp aku dah rasa 'urge' bawah tu.. OMG!! I didnt recall that pain!!! Sakit nye!! Obviously the hepidural did not 'cover' that area!! So mmg sakit bila baby's head dah kat bawah tu..
Then Prof arrived and ready to deliver my baby... (rilex je prof ni.. Dah la slow je cakap..). Then nxt contraction, i was ready to push, but the contraction was too short and baby tak sempat keluar...
Next contraction, deep breath in and i pushed very hard but quite carefully as i dowan to tear like previous labours T_T.. I can feel the head down (uhhh i know i cant stop pushing!!), then i felt the head popped out, but Prof asked me to continue pushing, and suddenly i can feel the shoulder popped out... OMG!! Masa tu lega nye, Allah je yang tau.... Then Prof showed me my baby-- A BOY!! Alhamdulillahhhh.... He's so cute!! Lahir tepat pukul 12.35pm!! On 23/6/12 -- sama birthday dengan abang Ayish!! Uhh double celebration for us all!!
Baby cried and Prof put him on my chest, terus senyap... Tp midwife ambik and bersih2 kan dia and baru letak balik atas dada -- skin-to-skin! Senyap je dia... MasyaAllah... Ini lah yang mummy tunggu hampir 40 minggu.. Yang ni punya lah 'mencabar' sepanjang mummy pregnant ye... But, the wait is all worthwhile!!
Syukur kepadaMu ya Allah... Walaupon pregnancy agak mencabar, tapi delivery nye mudah.. Alhamdulillah... Yang penting, dua2 mummy & baby sihat insyaAllah..
Ohh mummy kena episiotomy lagi huhuhu sbb Prof cakap takut bahu sangkut sbb baby estimated 3.7kg masa scan the day b4. So kena la jahit lagi, tp Prof cakap dia 'snipped' sikit je.. Hohoho pasrah je lahhh... Sikit ke banyak, masih kena jahit huwarghh..
Midwife bwk baby utk timbang & bersihkan masa Prof jahit, dah selesai tu baru diorang passed baby.. He weighed 3.45kg.. Alhamdulillah... Tak besar sgt, abang Ayish lagi besar 3.54kg... Lps minum, i breastfed him, pandai betul suckling.. Latching pon no problem..
Then dekat pukul 2, baru transfered masuk wad balik. Nurses kat wad tukar kan baju baby, and dia dah selamat berak... Mummy had late lunch -- ada ayam & sayur pok choi -- telan je lah.. Lapar bangat!
Then start dari tu, baby mmg rooming-in with mummy. Takde sakit etc, maybe sbb epidural tu still kicked in.. Siap refuse celebrex tu.. Lol..
Daddy balik, mummy tido cuddle2 with baby.. Try jugak tido tp x boleh -- restless!! Around 4.30pm, aku bangun to clean up.. Masa ni ada rasa sakit sket kat tempat inject epidural, and contraction sikit bila baby BF.
Alhamdulillah... Semua nye selamat...
This was totally a different labour experience for me... Haziq's & Faris' were similar -- sakit tgh malam, masuk labour room straight fr PAC lepas ARM (artificial rupture of membrane) around 4am, delivered at 6+am. Haziq dapat epidural tp tak working sgt, aku still rasa sakit. Faris x sempat epidural, amik pethidine mengantuk sampai ke malam nye, meneran pon dalam mamai!!
Fatini lain gak, admitted for induction tp cancelled, ARM at 4pm, dapat epidural, had painless labour until nak push... Beranak pukul 10+pm..
But this one is more special.. Allah permudah kan.. Lahir sama birthday dgn abang Ayish, mummy x sakit tp pecah ketuban je, sempat epidural, had a relatively painless labour (beranak mana yg tak sakit?!! Tp 1st stage x sakit, tu yg penting.. So i had the energy to push for a quick & safe delivery)
Alhamdulillah.. That's all i can say..
Honestly, i was depressed after that!! I did nothing, but prayed to Allah to make this delivery a speedy and ease one... I believed His plans are always the BEST!
So with a positive mind, i planned my weekend with the kids.. Since that weekend suppose to be a 'packed' one:
- fatini's school's open day (ambik report card), and also abang Ayish's birthday on Saturday
- haziq's sports day on Sunday
But putting those plans aside, i secretly hoping to deliver on Saturday so that baby will share the same birthday with Abang Ayish.. Hihi
So that night, i couldn't sleep. Partly, i was not sleepy cos i slept the whole evening
At 12am, i received a work-related phone call -- for urgent serology workup for 'needle-prick injury'.. I was thinking, should i pass this case to my colleague (since i'm on MC till Thursday) or i'll settle it tomorrow.. But heyyy "it was 12am and i'll settle it myself! No harm, it's my job anyway!! and i wont be in labour soon, right??"
I did not know what time i fell asleep until i woken up at around 2.50am feeling my panties wet. I thought i peed, but there was no feeling to pee. I got up fr bed and a gush of fluid came down! Oopsie i know it must be my water! Sign of labour!! O.o
I went to the loo, no show on my panties, just a clear fluid. And more fluid came down when i stood up/walked.
I woke my hubby up, told him and since it's only 3am, we donno if we should go straight away to the hospital or wait? I have no intense contractions, just irregular ones but still bearable!
But since fluid still gushing out everytime i stood up, so we decided to go to PAC, plus it's leaking liquor (amniotic fluid) -- there'll be risk of infection or u can go into labour anytime soon....
Arrived at PAC around 4am, had CTG done, it was reactive (baby heatbeats ok with few irregular contractions). When the on-call doctor did a VE, my cervix only opened 1cm!! So i was admitted to the ward first until nxt review at 8am. Prof was informed and since it may take few more hours, she will come over later.
I was admitted to Wad Sutera Room 7. I tried to get some sleep cos i knew i'll be in labour later. I need the energy!! Though I started to feel the real contractions later, but still irregular.. (i suddenly recalled the real contraction pain --- pain around the waist, down my legs and pain that made my legs cramped and my face crinched in pain!!!)
I couldnt get a good sleep, partly because i was anxious with the contractions.. My eyes kept looking at the toco reading on the CTG machine. But i managed to sleep for at least 1/2 hour straight at 6 am. Then i woke up, cleaned myself up (fluid still gushing out everytime i stood up) & performed my Subuh prayer sitting down.
Around 7am, breakfast was served -- i had roti telur & sausages. I must eat cos i was sure i'll be in labour soon..
8+am, Dr. A came and checked on me -- i already opened 4cm \O/
So, i was transfered to labour room, and i requested an epidural huhuhu... I wanna have a 'more relaxing' aka 'painless' labour!!
In the LR, the midwife buat VE lagi.. Iskk nyampah!! Then i had enema (to help me BO as prep b4 pushing!).. Then IV line inserted!! [Erghh apsal la letak kat wrist... Sakit le!!!] Then i was strapped to CTG machine-- to monitor my contraction & baby's heartrate.
Then Prof came, asked me if i wanna epidural or pitocin first? -- errr of cos i said "hepidural first plssss"... ;P
Then, an anaesth came, Dr. A**r -- he inserted spinal + epidural -- it was qwik, less than 10mins fr drape time.. Sakit masa inject local je, masuk jarum spinal/epidural x rasa langsung phewhhh.. Siap nyanyi2 tu masa buat tu..
Then start garu sana sini -- that was one of side effect of spinal anaesthesia.. But this was not too bad, i remembered during Fatini's, i was scratching like mad as soon as the meds got in -- non stop for at least 1/2hour esp waist down... Erghh...
Then pitocin was started... It was around 10.30+am kot.. And i tried to get some sleep... Once in awhile, midwife came in and asked me to change position as 'baby was asleep'.. So CTG 'tak cun'..
Near 12pm, midwife & MO came in cos baby's heartrate showed 1st degree/early deceleration -- heart rate slows down after contraction. Normally, the heart rate is slowed down during contraction, not after!
The MO examined, i was around 8-9cm opened but baby's head still at station -1. Prof was on her way *sempat ke ni??*
Tiba-tiba midwife & MO kalut2 cakap baby bradycardic (heart rate slow sgt), and she examined me again, this time baby's head was low and i almost fully-dilated. Dia suruh aku teran2 sket... "Deyyy!! Jgn buat aku panik bleh??"
Tp bila tuka position, heart rate picked up.. Tp aku dah rasa 'urge' bawah tu.. OMG!! I didnt recall that pain!!! Sakit nye!! Obviously the hepidural did not 'cover' that area!! So mmg sakit bila baby's head dah kat bawah tu..
Then Prof arrived and ready to deliver my baby... (rilex je prof ni.. Dah la slow je cakap..). Then nxt contraction, i was ready to push, but the contraction was too short and baby tak sempat keluar...
Next contraction, deep breath in and i pushed very hard but quite carefully as i dowan to tear like previous labours T_T.. I can feel the head down (uhhh i know i cant stop pushing!!), then i felt the head popped out, but Prof asked me to continue pushing, and suddenly i can feel the shoulder popped out... OMG!! Masa tu lega nye, Allah je yang tau.... Then Prof showed me my baby-- A BOY!! Alhamdulillahhhh.... He's so cute!! Lahir tepat pukul 12.35pm!! On 23/6/12 -- sama birthday dengan abang Ayish!! Uhh double celebration for us all!!
Baby cried and Prof put him on my chest, terus senyap... Tp midwife ambik and bersih2 kan dia and baru letak balik atas dada -- skin-to-skin! Senyap je dia... MasyaAllah... Ini lah yang mummy tunggu hampir 40 minggu.. Yang ni punya lah 'mencabar' sepanjang mummy pregnant ye... But, the wait is all worthwhile!!
Syukur kepadaMu ya Allah... Walaupon pregnancy agak mencabar, tapi delivery nye mudah.. Alhamdulillah... Yang penting, dua2 mummy & baby sihat insyaAllah..
Ohh mummy kena episiotomy lagi huhuhu sbb Prof cakap takut bahu sangkut sbb baby estimated 3.7kg masa scan the day b4. So kena la jahit lagi, tp Prof cakap dia 'snipped' sikit je.. Hohoho pasrah je lahhh... Sikit ke banyak, masih kena jahit huwarghh..
Midwife bwk baby utk timbang & bersihkan masa Prof jahit, dah selesai tu baru diorang passed baby.. He weighed 3.45kg.. Alhamdulillah... Tak besar sgt, abang Ayish lagi besar 3.54kg... Lps minum, i breastfed him, pandai betul suckling.. Latching pon no problem..
Then dekat pukul 2, baru transfered masuk wad balik. Nurses kat wad tukar kan baju baby, and dia dah selamat berak... Mummy had late lunch -- ada ayam & sayur pok choi -- telan je lah.. Lapar bangat!
Then start dari tu, baby mmg rooming-in with mummy. Takde sakit etc, maybe sbb epidural tu still kicked in.. Siap refuse celebrex tu.. Lol..
Daddy balik, mummy tido cuddle2 with baby.. Try jugak tido tp x boleh -- restless!! Around 4.30pm, aku bangun to clean up.. Masa ni ada rasa sakit sket kat tempat inject epidural, and contraction sikit bila baby BF.
Alhamdulillah... Semua nye selamat...
This was totally a different labour experience for me... Haziq's & Faris' were similar -- sakit tgh malam, masuk labour room straight fr PAC lepas ARM (artificial rupture of membrane) around 4am, delivered at 6+am. Haziq dapat epidural tp tak working sgt, aku still rasa sakit. Faris x sempat epidural, amik pethidine mengantuk sampai ke malam nye, meneran pon dalam mamai!!
Fatini lain gak, admitted for induction tp cancelled, ARM at 4pm, dapat epidural, had painless labour until nak push... Beranak pukul 10+pm..
But this one is more special.. Allah permudah kan.. Lahir sama birthday dgn abang Ayish, mummy x sakit tp pecah ketuban je, sempat epidural, had a relatively painless labour (beranak mana yg tak sakit?!! Tp 1st stage x sakit, tu yg penting.. So i had the energy to push for a quick & safe delivery)
Alhamdulillah.. That's all i can say..
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Welcome my baby...
This little gift arrived yesterday 23/6/12 at 12.35pm..
It was normal spontaneous vaginal delivery after my water broke at 3am...
Most of all, he is a perfect gift for us all and abang ayish especially on his 3rd birthday... Yesss they share the same birthday... It's gonna be double bday celebration for them after this bleh jimat kannn.. Sambut sama2 hihi
This little gift arrived yesterday 23/6/12 at 12.35pm..
It was normal spontaneous vaginal delivery after my water broke at 3am...
Most of all, he is a perfect gift for us all and abang ayish especially on his 3rd birthday... Yesss they share the same birthday... It's gonna be double bday celebration for them after this
Friday, June 22, 2012
40weeks: Cuti sampai beranak..
Aku amik annual leave 2 hari dari Rabu hari tu.
And since last wk, i had very bad pedal/ankle oedema..
Balik shopping barang kat Tesco on Tuesday, ankle bengkak sama besa dgn betis... Huwarghhh...
Now duduk2 je kat rumah pon still bengkak!
Nak jalan byk, SP ku masih sakit kalau aktif2 sgt...
So, hari ni ada checkup lagi. Masih blom beranak.
Baby still tinggi.
Cervix still not favourable.
Scan ok, AFI still ok (around 10-11 kot kalau x silap prof ckp td).. Cuma placenta nmpk ada sikit calcification -- erghh..
I gained another kg oh noooo .
Baby gained another 100g.. Amboiii berlawan2 ek baby...
BP, urine semua ok.
Prof x keen nak induce, aku pon x berani nak insist suruh induce.
Nxt appointment on thursday, sbb friday Prof takde, meaning if by thursday aku x beranak, isnin baru nak induce????! Ya Allah tu dah 2/7/12.. Aku dah 41w+2days... O.o
Biar benar!!!
Hope baby tak tunggu lama sangat baby... Boleh la keluar nxt wk ekkkkk... Please please please.... T_T
Btw, prof bagik MC sampai khamis...
Pape pon, aku depressed lah mcm ni!!
Esok bday Ayish, kan best if beranak esok, sama bday baby dgn abang ayish nnt...
Ya Allah, permudahkan kelahiran baby ku nanti.. Ameennn...
And since last wk, i had very bad pedal/ankle oedema..
Balik shopping barang kat Tesco on Tuesday, ankle bengkak sama besa dgn betis... Huwarghhh...
Now duduk2 je kat rumah pon still bengkak!
Nak jalan byk, SP ku masih sakit kalau aktif2 sgt...
So, hari ni ada checkup lagi. Masih blom beranak.
Baby still tinggi.
Cervix still not favourable.
Scan ok, AFI still ok (around 10-11 kot kalau x silap prof ckp td).. Cuma placenta nmpk ada sikit calcification -- erghh..
I gained another kg
Baby gained another 100g.. Amboiii berlawan2 ek baby...
BP, urine semua ok.
Prof x keen nak induce, aku pon x berani nak insist suruh induce.
Nxt appointment on thursday, sbb friday Prof takde, meaning if by thursday aku x beranak, isnin baru nak induce????! Ya Allah tu dah 2/7/12.. Aku dah 41w+2days... O.o
Biar benar!!!
Hope baby tak tunggu lama sangat baby... Boleh la keluar nxt wk ekkkkk... Please please please.... T_T
Btw, prof bagik MC sampai khamis...
Pape pon, aku depressed lah mcm ni!!
Esok bday Ayish, kan best if beranak esok, sama bday baby dgn abang ayish nnt...
Ya Allah, permudahkan kelahiran baby ku nanti.. Ameennn...
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Lunch @ Seoul Garden
last friday, gi lunch kat Seoul Garden.. we all pergi yang kat Menara TM tu...
dah lama daddy ajak, tp asyik tak ter'pergi' je..
so kali ni dapat pergi sebab baby blom mau keluar... baik mummy gi makan sedap2 lagi b4 berpantang hehehhe...
ni lepas ANC check-up... abang & kakak sekolah, so abang Ayish je yang ikut...
boleh teman mummy nnt sementara daddy gi solat Jumaat dekat2 situ..
ni lunch buffet -- berapa ntah sekepala (daddy baya, so mummy makan je hihi)..
if tak silap, kalau dinner buffet lagi mahal... kalau makan buffet ni tak berbaloi sgt bawak Fatini & Haziq kalau diorang kena charge... bukan makan sangat pon...
aku memang suka steamboat... tp tak reti carik yang best2.. kalau teringin sangat, pegi Johny's je hehhe..
utk steamboat, nothing extraordinary, boleh laa.. ada all the fishballs, sayur, meehun, noodle, etc....
tp yang best bleh bakar/grilled -- ada beef teriyaki, black pepper beef, chicken, dori fish, prawns etc... boleh bakar kat grill plate tu...
hmmm memang berasap2 la meja masing2... standard lah... nasib baik Ayish behaved... dia makan chickenball 2 biji and apa ntah another fishcake gitu...
mummy pulun daging grilled tu... kuah korean chilli sauce dia memang BEST!!
Dah kenyang, umpan dia dengan eskrem plak... pastu daddy pegi solat... adoi dekat sejam gak mummy menunggu... sampai dah tak larat makan and dah 'hangit' grill plate dia tu.. orang lain pon ada yang dah blah... kami 2 beranak je masih setia...
daddy balik solat, sambung lagi makan... mummy surrender.. takleh masuk dah...
just makan buah and jeli je...
lagi best, Ayish sempat plak la buat 'projek' kat situ isk isk isk... dah la tak bwk extra pampers... tp mmg tak plan nak ke mana2 pon... mana la mummy larat nak jalan banyak2... lagi pon, konon MC oopss.. kantoi hahahhaha
alhamdulillah kenyang.... kol 2.30 kot we all blah.. hmmm 2 jam gak dok situ.. sib baik la Ayish tak bertukar jadik ultraman sangat... dia kalau sorang2 mmg baik... kalau ada abang kakak yang mengganazzz lebih sket, sbb ada geng kannn...
OK, thank you daddy sbb layan perut mummy... and sebab layan perut daddy gak tu... alhamdulillah...
dah lama daddy ajak, tp asyik tak ter'pergi' je..
so kali ni dapat pergi sebab baby blom mau keluar... baik mummy gi makan sedap2 lagi b4 berpantang hehehhe...
ni lepas ANC check-up... abang & kakak sekolah, so abang Ayish je yang ikut...
boleh teman mummy nnt sementara daddy gi solat Jumaat dekat2 situ..
ni lunch buffet -- berapa ntah sekepala (daddy baya, so mummy makan je hihi)..
if tak silap, kalau dinner buffet lagi mahal... kalau makan buffet ni tak berbaloi sgt bawak Fatini & Haziq kalau diorang kena charge... bukan makan sangat pon...
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mummy & ayish... (kakak & abang tak ikut sebab sekolah... hihihi) |
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daddy kena gi kutip apa nak makan, mummy tunggu je dgn Ayish hihi.. sekali sekala ada 'pelayan' kannnn |
utk steamboat, nothing extraordinary, boleh laa.. ada all the fishballs, sayur, meehun, noodle, etc....
tp yang best bleh bakar/grilled -- ada beef teriyaki, black pepper beef, chicken, dori fish, prawns etc... boleh bakar kat grill plate tu...
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kuah tomyam and grilled beef/fishes/chicken... |
mummy pulun daging grilled tu... kuah korean chilli sauce dia memang BEST!!
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my lil ultraman layan eskrem... |
daddy balik solat, sambung lagi makan... mummy surrender.. takleh masuk dah...
just makan buah and jeli je...
lagi best, Ayish sempat plak la buat 'projek' kat situ isk isk isk... dah la tak bwk extra pampers... tp mmg tak plan nak ke mana2 pon... mana la mummy larat nak jalan banyak2... lagi pon, konon MC oopss..
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like daddy like son... |
OK, thank you daddy sbb layan perut mummy... and sebab layan perut daddy gak tu... alhamdulillah...
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
It's been a year....
17 June 2012 -- Selamat Hari Bapa... kepada semua bapa/ayah/daddy/abah.....
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Last saturday, kami adik beradik bergotong-royong bersihkan kubur arwah abah, naikkan kayu tepi kubur & batu nisan.
Sebak rasa nye, sbb dah dekat setahun sebulan dah abah pergi...
Abah pergi pada 28/5/2011 -- sehari selepas aku dapat results MPATH...
Allah lebih menyayangi beliau... pergi nye mmg sangat mengejut.. tiba2 pagi tu dapat panggilan cakap abah jatuh, jumpe kat kebun... bergegas kami adik beradik balik kampung... ada yang balik sehelai sepinggang, mostly pakai jeans bagai sebab mengejut sangat...
Bila sampai depan rumah, tubuh abah dah terkujur kaku di ruang tamu... tenang betul muka arwah masa tu...
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Arwah abah.... sangat tenang muka beliau.... semoga beliau tenang di sisiNya... |
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selesai pengkebumian... beliau pergi pada pukul 9 lebih 28/5/2011.... |
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Ni masa kebumi arwah.... sayu sungguh.. Kebumi lepas Asar, cuaca sangat mendung dan semua memang dimudahkan... Semoga roh beliau dicucuriNya... |
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Antara anak2 & saudara mara yang hadir... Kak Lang dari Terengganu and Kak Zai dari Ipoh pon alhamdulillah sempat sampai melihat jenazah sebelum dikapan dan disembahyang dan dikebumikan... |
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Raya 2011 -- raya pertama tanpa abah bersama kami... |
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Melawat kubur di Aidilfitri pertama tanpa arwah.... |
16 JUNE 2012 --
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Abang Din, Amin, Abang Aziz, Abang Tam, Nik dll mengemaskan kubur untuk meletakkan kayu keliling kubur arwah... |
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Acik, Pak Busu & Apak antara pakcik2 yang masih ada... |
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Alhamdulillah Ayish sempat kenal Atok... cuma atok tak sempat jumpe baby... T_T |
MATI itu pasti.... masa kita belum tahu bila.... semoga kita semua bersedia menghadapinya bila2 masa... wallahu'alam...
AL-FATIHAH buat arwah abah....
Haji Sheikh Othman bin Haji Sheikh Omar...
(19/5/1929 - 28/5/2011)

Jalan2 carik makan
gi makan macam2, mana la tak gumuk?? LOL
sejak masuk 37 weeks, aku tak larat nak jalan2 sangat... tp kesian dgn budak2 ni, weekend bawak jugak la keluar dekat2...
Lunch di Saba' Cyberjaya... @8/6/12
@ Wetland Putrajaya...
lepas makan kat Saba' , we all gi Putrajaya... takde tujuan, just round2 pastu berhenti solat Asar kat Masjid Besi... adohaiii dah nama nye masjid besar kan, banyak la kena berjalan... huhuhu... takpe, pasang niat nak solat kan.. insyaAllah...
lepas tu otw balik, singgah Wetland, tp sbb dah dekat pukul 6.30pm, we all berhenti kejap je... ada la burung2 bangau lah, itik lah, flamingoes, undan etc..
Lunch @ The Johny's & Madagascar 3... @10/6/2012
rasa guilty sangat sebab cuti sekolah tak gi mana2... dengan minggu pertama cuti mummy busy dengan exam MPATH, minggu kedua daddy planned nak bawak budak2 balik KB pon kensel sbb mummy kena check-up sbb baby breech hari tu... so, weekend tu, we all planned tgk Madagascar 3...
tghari lunch dulu kat The Johny's... dah lama mummy nak makan... cuma dok pikir, takut budak2 ni tak nak makan pulak... selalu kalau keluar jalan makan, sure ikut tekak diorang huhuhu... kali ni, tak kira ikut tekak mummy jugak hehehe...
nasib baik diorang suka pulak makan nasik kosong dengan kuah tomyam utk steambot tu.. Faris macam biasa, paling juara makan semua yang letak dalam mangkuk dia... last sekali desert dengan eskrem... mummy makan banana split (sebab murah daripada kat kedai lain hahahha)
pastu tengok Madagascar 3.. booked 4 seats je sebab penuh, tu pon seat yang dua-dua (bukan twin) row tepi tu.. Ayish dok atas pangku daddy..
BEST sangat citer tu hehhe.. mummy pon enjoyed.. sebelum ni rasa macam boring je citer Madagascar ni lol...
late lunch @ A&W... @17/6/12
pagi tu, daddy bawak budak2 pegi Masjid al-Mukhlisin ada sambutan Isra' & Mikraj..
kakak & abang masuk pertandingan mewarna.. mummy tak ikut lah.. duduk rumah kebosanan... (tp dapat la basuh new Pandora wrap, kain shijira yg nak convert to ringsling and few other wraps & ringslings yang ready to rock bila baby keluar nanti hihi)....
ni float & waffle memang tingin lamaaa... tp sbb A&W ni cam tak berbaloi gi makan -- burger tak best, tap mahal huhuhu...
tp sebab tghari tu tak lunch, we all gi late lunch dalam pukul 4 gitu... kids dapat beary meal satu sorang... abang and ayish amik hotdog, kakak seketul drumstick.. mummy & daddy mozzzzza burger... sedap betul waffle dia panas2 tu... isk tiba2 teringin lagi huhuhu...
sejak masuk 37 weeks, aku tak larat nak jalan2 sangat... tp kesian dgn budak2 ni, weekend bawak jugak la keluar dekat2...
Lunch di Saba' Cyberjaya... @8/6/12
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makan di Saba' Cyberjaya... |
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mummy & Ayish... |
@ Wetland Putrajaya...
lepas makan kat Saba' , we all gi Putrajaya... takde tujuan, just round2 pastu berhenti solat Asar kat Masjid Besi... adohaiii dah nama nye masjid besar kan, banyak la kena berjalan... huhuhu... takpe, pasang niat nak solat kan.. insyaAllah...
lepas tu otw balik, singgah Wetland, tp sbb dah dekat pukul 6.30pm, we all berhenti kejap je... ada la burung2 bangau lah, itik lah, flamingoes, undan etc..
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our cheeky monkey... @Wetland... |
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@Wetland... tengok bangau, burung undan, etc... |
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@ Wetland.. |
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@ Wetland, tp tak lama sebab dah nak maghrib... lain kali kita explore lagi... |
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ni gamba budak2 amik... adoii perut mami sangat busatt.... |
Lunch @ The Johny's & Madagascar 3... @10/6/2012
rasa guilty sangat sebab cuti sekolah tak gi mana2... dengan minggu pertama cuti mummy busy dengan exam MPATH, minggu kedua daddy planned nak bawak budak2 balik KB pon kensel sbb mummy kena check-up sbb baby breech hari tu... so, weekend tu, we all planned tgk Madagascar 3...
tghari lunch dulu kat The Johny's... dah lama mummy nak makan... cuma dok pikir, takut budak2 ni tak nak makan pulak... selalu kalau keluar jalan makan, sure ikut tekak diorang huhuhu... kali ni, tak kira ikut tekak mummy jugak hehehe...
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tunggu seats kat depan Johny's... |
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masa ni Haziq sibuk sakit kaki tak bleh jalan.. so kena la daddy dukung... |
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my 3 best men.... |
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mummy & my baby girl.... |
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Ayish.. |
nasib baik diorang suka pulak makan nasik kosong dengan kuah tomyam utk steambot tu.. Faris macam biasa, paling juara makan semua yang letak dalam mangkuk dia... last sekali desert dengan eskrem... mummy makan banana split
pastu tengok Madagascar 3.. booked 4 seats je sebab penuh, tu pon seat yang dua-dua (bukan twin) row tepi tu.. Ayish dok atas pangku daddy..
BEST sangat citer tu hehhe.. mummy pon enjoyed.. sebelum ni rasa macam boring je citer Madagascar ni lol...
late lunch @ A&W... @17/6/12
pagi tu, daddy bawak budak2 pegi Masjid al-Mukhlisin ada sambutan Isra' & Mikraj..
kakak & abang masuk pertandingan mewarna.. mummy tak ikut lah.. duduk rumah kebosanan... (tp dapat la basuh new Pandora wrap, kain shijira yg nak convert to ringsling and few other wraps & ringslings yang ready to rock bila baby keluar nanti hihi)....
ni float & waffle memang tingin lamaaa... tp sbb A&W ni cam tak berbaloi gi makan -- burger tak best, tap mahal huhuhu...
tp sebab tghari tu tak lunch, we all gi late lunch dalam pukul 4 gitu... kids dapat beary meal satu sorang... abang and ayish amik hotdog, kakak seketul drumstick.. mummy & daddy mozzzzza burger... sedap betul waffle dia panas2 tu... isk tiba2 teringin lagi huhuhu...
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dapat pon minum rootbeer float & waffle butter + honey @A&W... mummy's fav!!! |
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@A&W.. late lunch... err. teatime dah sebenar nye heheheh |
nak cuti ke tak?
this pregnancy memang mencabar sikit...
dari sickness yang agak teruk compare dgn previous 3 pregnancies, lepas tu baby breech till week 37th, pastu now with SPD, and now at 39w+2d -- baby masih setia dok dalam perut mummy...
aku seriously dah tak larat nak gi keje... bukan apa, tak larat nak jalan.. patut nye semalam sampai Rabu - aku kena jadik internal auditor utk ISO 15189, tp terpaksa mintak excuse sebab rasa memang takkan boleh jalan banyak 2 hari mengaudit tu..
Rasa sangat guilty pulak mintak excuse macam tu -- harap2 orang lain faham... aku mmg boleh menggagahkan diri, berjalan sepanjang hari.... tp nnt malam, berdenyut2 sakit aku, orang lain tak bleh nak tolong pon huhuhu....
tapi nye, dok sehari suntuk kat bilik, buat keje2 tertangguh eg student's report, review case write-ups students etc, aku banyak duduk je kat meja, sudah nye, bila bangun --------- mak aiiiiii bertambah sakit symphysis pubis (SP) ku.. T__T. Kena tegak berdiri dulu dalam 2-3 minit sebelum aku start berjalan....
pastu, by tghari, aku rasa jari jemari & kaki aku semua numb -- tak rasa pape... bengkak gile...
bercakap dgn MO aku pon termengah2 huwarghhh....
sungguh rasa hopeless, helpless semua ada... aku tak pernah rasa gini masa preggy dulu2... faktor umur kah? atau faktor 'ada-masa-mau-layan-simptom-pregnancy'???
dulu2 pregnant, masuk 39 wks pon aku masih gagah berjalan laju.... orang lain tgk perut dah besar, tapi aku masih rasa boleh berjalan macam biasa... kalau sakit pon, sakit celah kangkang sbb pressure.. yang lain2 mmg takde hal... kaki bengkak pon, bila menjelang lewat petang/malam... tu pon bila banyak berdiri/berjalan...
so, aku rasa macam nak amik cuti -- agak2 colleague yang lain paham tak kalau aku ambik cuti?
annual leave ada lagi 17 hari sampai end of the year...
aku plan amik ML sampai september... banyak tu AL kalau nak abiskan fr Oct-Dec... so aci lah ek guna AL...
ada yang suggest aku amik early ML, tp cukupkan 3 bulan... tp pikir2 balik, macam rugi pulak, sbb ML includes weekend...
aku plan AL esok & lusa... jumaat ada ANC, bleh mintak MC... sabtu ahad cuti cam biasa... isnin plak tgk keadaan.... oiii takkan tak beranak2 lagi by nxt week??? huwarghhhh....
so apply AL ek utk esok lusa... (harap2 boss bagik -- sbb ni minggu audit huhuhu & harap2 masih ada quota utk cuti bulan ni... *fingers crossed*)
dari sickness yang agak teruk compare dgn previous 3 pregnancies, lepas tu baby breech till week 37th, pastu now with SPD, and now at 39w+2d -- baby masih setia dok dalam perut mummy...
aku seriously dah tak larat nak gi keje... bukan apa, tak larat nak jalan.. patut nye semalam sampai Rabu - aku kena jadik internal auditor utk ISO 15189, tp terpaksa mintak excuse sebab rasa memang takkan boleh jalan banyak 2 hari mengaudit tu..
Rasa sangat guilty pulak mintak excuse macam tu -- harap2 orang lain faham... aku mmg boleh menggagahkan diri, berjalan sepanjang hari.... tp nnt malam, berdenyut2 sakit aku, orang lain tak bleh nak tolong pon huhuhu....
tapi nye, dok sehari suntuk kat bilik, buat keje2 tertangguh eg student's report, review case write-ups students etc, aku banyak duduk je kat meja, sudah nye, bila bangun --------- mak aiiiiii bertambah sakit symphysis pubis (SP) ku.. T__T. Kena tegak berdiri dulu dalam 2-3 minit sebelum aku start berjalan....
pastu, by tghari, aku rasa jari jemari & kaki aku semua numb -- tak rasa pape... bengkak gile...
bercakap dgn MO aku pon termengah2 huwarghhh....
sungguh rasa hopeless, helpless semua ada... aku tak pernah rasa gini masa preggy dulu2... faktor umur kah? atau faktor 'ada-masa-mau-layan-simptom-pregnancy'???
dulu2 pregnant, masuk 39 wks pon aku masih gagah berjalan laju.... orang lain tgk perut dah besar, tapi aku masih rasa boleh berjalan macam biasa... kalau sakit pon, sakit celah kangkang sbb pressure.. yang lain2 mmg takde hal... kaki bengkak pon, bila menjelang lewat petang/malam... tu pon bila banyak berdiri/berjalan...
so, aku rasa macam nak amik cuti -- agak2 colleague yang lain paham tak kalau aku ambik cuti?
annual leave ada lagi 17 hari sampai end of the year...
aku plan amik ML sampai september... banyak tu AL kalau nak abiskan fr Oct-Dec... so aci lah ek guna AL...
ada yang suggest aku amik early ML, tp cukupkan 3 bulan... tp pikir2 balik, macam rugi pulak, sbb ML includes weekend...
aku plan AL esok & lusa... jumaat ada ANC, bleh mintak MC... sabtu ahad cuti cam biasa... isnin plak tgk keadaan.... oiii takkan tak beranak2 lagi by nxt week??? huwarghhhh....
so apply AL ek utk esok lusa... (harap2 boss bagik -- sbb ni minggu audit huhuhu & harap2 masih ada quota utk cuti bulan ni... *fingers crossed*)

Monday, June 18, 2012
ANC @39wks
oh yes, baby masih belum mau keluar...
last week, mmg pujuk jangan keluar dulu sbb mummy nak attend Bengkel 'Good Clinical Practise' dari 11/6 sampai 13/6... tambah plak daddy pon ada Kem PPD kat Ulu Seperi, N9 sampai 14/6...
And baby baik, mmg ikut cakap la, tak keluar time tu...
so, last Friday check up lagi dgn Prof Azurah... dia pon terkejut kot tgk tak beranak lagi huhuhu...
this time:
BP: 100/60
Weight: suda naik 20kg from pre-pregnancy weight aiyokk.... mmg suda kena beranak ni!!! sebab nye naik 2kg/2minggu -- ini sangat tidak bagus!!! *cry*
Previous pregnancies, naik 22-23kg (fr pre-preggy weight) masa last check-up b4 beranak... memang la macam kurang naik dari dulu2, tp dulu2 acik mudo.. la nih dah tuo... pre-preggy weight pon mmg dah berat isk isk isk...
Urine: leukocyte 1+
baby plak scan, sume ok, cuma estimated weight sudah 3.6kg la baby... alamak... naper besar sgt ni???
Prof buat VE -- cervix still not favourable -- iskk kalo tak mmg mintak induce dah... tak sanggup mak!! sakit kat symphysis pubis ni pon memang mengganggu jiwa huhuhu... hari sebelum tu amik EL- rest kat rumah (nak gi clinic amik MC pon tak larat sbb kesakitan), so hari tu mintak gak MC... too bad ANC ku hari jumaat, kalo tak mmg mintak sambung 2-3 hari MC :P
Pastu buat CTG -- semua ok, contraction pulak, pagi2 ni mmg malu2 nak contract... time petang/malam la baru nak active contraction bagai... so takde pape, bleh balik...
Charge kali ni plak, memula budak tu mintak RM120, pastu ckp ada GL, bila dia check2, dia ckp, "ok tak yah baya.." --> ehh pulak... selalu ada gak charge dalam RM30-50... tak paham la aku... kejap kena charge kejap takyah...
balik rumah, aku & DH buat plan nak gi makan sedap... hehehhe... kat mana?? nanti lah citer kat entry lain... :P
last week, mmg pujuk jangan keluar dulu sbb mummy nak attend Bengkel 'Good Clinical Practise' dari 11/6 sampai 13/6... tambah plak daddy pon ada Kem PPD kat Ulu Seperi, N9 sampai 14/6...
And baby baik, mmg ikut cakap la, tak keluar time tu...
so, last Friday check up lagi dgn Prof Azurah... dia pon terkejut kot tgk tak beranak lagi huhuhu...
this time:
BP: 100/60
Weight: suda naik 20kg from pre-pregnancy weight aiyokk.... mmg suda kena beranak ni!!! sebab nye naik 2kg/2minggu -- ini sangat tidak bagus!!! *cry*
Previous pregnancies, naik 22-23kg (fr pre-preggy weight) masa last check-up b4 beranak... memang la macam kurang naik dari dulu2, tp dulu2 acik mudo.. la nih dah tuo... pre-preggy weight pon mmg dah berat isk isk isk...
Urine: leukocyte 1+
baby plak scan, sume ok, cuma estimated weight sudah 3.6kg la baby... alamak... naper besar sgt ni???
Prof buat VE -- cervix still not favourable -- iskk kalo tak mmg mintak induce dah... tak sanggup mak!! sakit kat symphysis pubis ni pon memang mengganggu jiwa huhuhu... hari sebelum tu amik EL- rest kat rumah (nak gi clinic amik MC pon tak larat sbb kesakitan), so hari tu mintak gak MC... too bad ANC ku hari jumaat, kalo tak mmg mintak sambung 2-3 hari MC :P
Pastu buat CTG -- semua ok, contraction pulak, pagi2 ni mmg malu2 nak contract... time petang/malam la baru nak active contraction bagai... so takde pape, bleh balik...
Charge kali ni plak, memula budak tu mintak RM120, pastu ckp ada GL, bila dia check2, dia ckp, "ok tak yah baya.." --> ehh pulak... selalu ada gak charge dalam RM30-50... tak paham la aku... kejap kena charge kejap takyah...
balik rumah, aku & DH buat plan nak gi makan sedap... hehehhe... kat mana?? nanti lah citer kat entry lain... :P

Pregnancy: Symphysis pubis dysfunction
i have diagnosed myself for having this problem...
cos, since baby turned his head down, i have been feeling a 'pressure' below... i thought that was normal and eventually it will go (or at least it'll come & go)... but this time the pain was concentrated at my symphysis pubis only @-@.. worsen at night or after i had my long day...
it was really difficult for me to roll over in bed, to swing my legs down fr bed etc...
and it was really bad last wednesday when i really cried in pain.... T_T
i googled and found this... Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) or symphysis pubis instability or also known as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP).
There are few exercises to help to ease the pain -- here.
And this condition is well-diagnosed in overseas i think, but here, when i asked my OBG, she only said 'pressure from baby's head' ;(
You could read some of the mamas' experiences in the circleofmoms forum
well, every pregnancies are different... so, i'm not complaining.. syukur pada Allah, maybe nanti bersalin and postnatal akan dipermudah kan ameeennn....
cos, since baby turned his head down, i have been feeling a 'pressure' below... i thought that was normal and eventually it will go (or at least it'll come & go)... but this time the pain was concentrated at my symphysis pubis only @-@.. worsen at night or after i had my long day...
it was really difficult for me to roll over in bed, to swing my legs down fr bed etc...
and it was really bad last wednesday when i really cried in pain.... T_T
i googled and found this... Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) or symphysis pubis instability or also known as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP).
What is symphysis pubis dysfunction?
The two halves of your pelvis are connected at the front by a stiff joint called the symphysis pubis. This joint is strengthened by a dense network of tough, flexible tissues, called ligaments. To help your baby pass through your pelvis as easily as possible, your body produces a hormone called relaxin, which softens the ligaments.
As a result, these joints move more during and just after pregnancy, causing inflammation and pain, known as symphysis pubis dysfunction or SPD.
A related condition is diastasis symphysis pubis (DSP), in which the gap in the pubic joint widens too far. The average gap between the bones in a non-pregnant woman is between 4mm and 5mm, and during pregnancy it's normal for this gap to widen by 2mm or 3mm. If the gap is 10mm or more, DSP is diagnosed. It's rare, and can only be identified by X-ray.
What causes SPD?
We are not sure exactly what causes SPD, but it's thought to be caused by a combination of hormones that you produce during pregnancy and the way your body moves. It is thought that if one side of the pelvis moves more than the other when you walk or move your legs, the area around the symphysis pubis becomes tender.
Although the condition is thought to be related to excess movement in the pelvic joints, the amount of discomfort isn't related to any gap in the joint. Many women with a normal-sized gap feel a lot of pain.
If you have hypermobility syndrome, stated your periods before you were 11, or are overweight, then you may be more likely to develop SPD during your pregnancy.
When does it happen?
SPD can occur at any time during your pregnancy or after giving birth. Many women notice it for the first time around the middle of their pregnancy. If you have SPD in one pregnancy, it is more likely that you'll have it again next time you get pregnant.
The symptoms may also come on earlier and progress faster, so it is important to seek help promptly. It can help if you allow the symptoms from one pregnancy to settle before trying to get pregnant again.
What are the symptoms?
Pain in the pubic area and groin are the most common symptoms. But you may also have the following signs:
•Back pain, pelvic girdle pain or hip pain. --> i dont have the backpain or hip pain.
•A grinding or clicking sensation in your pubic area.
•Pain down the inside of your thighs or between your legs. It can be made worse by parting your legs, walking, going up or down stairs or moving around in bed. --> it is worse when parting my legs! and moving around in bed is 'killing' me!!
•Worse pain at night. It can stop you sleeping well and getting up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night can be especially painful. --> definitely worse in the evening/at night! *cry*
How is it diagnosed?
SPD is becoming more widely understood by doctors, physiotherapists and midwives. Your doctor or midwife should refer you to a specialist women’s health physiotherapist who will have experience in treating it.
Your physiotherapist will diagnose SDP by listening to your description of your symptoms and by testing the stability, movement and pain in your pelvic joints and muscles.
How is it treated?
SPD is often managed in the same way as pelvic girdle pain, and treatment will include:
•Exercises, especially for the tummy and pelvic floor muscles, to improve the stability of your pelvis and back. You may need gentle, hands-on treatment of your hip, back or pelvis to correct stiffness or imbalance. Exercise in water can sometimes be useful.
•You should also be given advice on how to make daily activities less painful and on how to make the birth of your baby easier. Your midwife should help you to write a birth plan which takes into account your SPD symptoms.
•Acupuncture may help and has been shown to be safe during pregnancy, but make sure your practitioner is trained and experienced in working with pregnant women.
•Osteopathy and chiropractic may help, but again, make sure you see registered practitioner who is experienced in treating pregnant women.
•A pelvic support belt will give quick relief. --> i'm wearing the maternity belt which i assume partly help easing my backpain... phewhh...
Are there any self-help tips I can follow?
There are things you can do yourself to ease your pain:
•Regular pelvic floor and tummy exercises can ease the strain on your pelvis. Get down onto your hands and knees and level your back so that it is roughly flat. Breathe in and then as you breathe out, squeeze in your pelvic floor muscles and at the same time pull your belly button in and up. Hold this contraction for between five and 10 seconds without holding your breath and without moving your back. Relax the muscles slowly at the end of the exercise.
•Avoid moving your legs apart when your back is slumped or you are lying down. Take care when getting in and out of the car, bed or bath. If you are lying down, pulling your knees up as far as you can stops your pelvis from moving and makes it easier to part your legs. If you are sitting, try arching your back and sticking your chest out before parting or moving your legs, as this also helps to stop your pelvis from moving. --> since i know this 'diagnosis', these movements really help me to not exacerbate the pain!
•Avoid pushing through any pain. If something hurts, if possible don't do it. If the pain is allowed to flare up, it can take a long time to settle down again. --> i also suffering from constipation last week, so that might explained why it gotten worse @_@
•Move little and often. You may not feel the effects of what you are doing until later in the day or after you have gone to bed. --> oh yes... too much sitting down or lying down may exacerbate the pain... but too much walking will definitely make it worse.. i hate being home-bound over the weekend huhuhu...
•Rest regularly by sitting on an exercise or birth ball or by getting down on your hands and knees. This takes the weight of your baby off your pelvis and holds it in a stable position. --> thanks to my friend's gymball, it really helps! I would sit on the ball as much as possible..
•Avoid heavy lifting or pushing. Supermarket trolleys can often make your pain worse, so shop online or ask someone to shop for you. --> i havent been to Tesco since the last 2 weeks. Last week we went, but i just sat having my coffee latte and let my dear hubby did the shopping... sakit la mau jalan banyak esp lepas keje huhu...
•When climbing stairs, go up them one step at a time. Step up onto one step with your best leg and then bring your other leg to meet it. Repeat with each step. Only use stairs when you have to. --> errr this only done when i remember... lambat la melangkah satu persatu hehehe.. Ayish lagi laju naik tangga dari mummy kalo gitu LOL
•Avoid swimming breaststroke and take care with other strokes. You may feel swimming is helping your pain while you are in the water, but it could make you feel worse when you get out. --> tarak swimming!
•When getting dressed, sit down to pull on your knickers or trousers. --> oh ni memang... tak boleh nak angkat kaki tinggi dari buku lali... esp petang/malam.. pagi ok lagi.. T_T
How soon after I've had my baby will I recover from SPD?
Most women find that their symptoms improve after their baby is born, although some still have pain when their babies are a year old. Carry on with physiotherapy after the birth and get help with looking after your baby during the early weeks if you can. --> i hope my symptoms will be gone after baby is born... *praying*
Some ex-sufferers find the pain recurs every month just before their period is due. This is caused by hormones which have a similar effect to the pregnancy hormone relaxin.
There are few exercises to help to ease the pain -- here.
And this condition is well-diagnosed in overseas i think, but here, when i asked my OBG, she only said 'pressure from baby's head' ;(
You could read some of the mamas' experiences in the circleofmoms forum
well, every pregnancies are different... so, i'm not complaining.. syukur pada Allah, maybe nanti bersalin and postnatal akan dipermudah kan ameeennn....
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Airfryer part II
Pegedil tu keje maid aku... Cerdik gak la dia lapik aluminium foil, tp melekat bawah dia, boh butter/oil pon melekat gak. So, agak fail dari segi rupa. Rasa xde hal... Sedap je and masak elok dalam dia.. -- takde rupe pegedil ek?? LOL.. cam cekodok je aku tgk!!
Sausage & cheese bread -- roti, homemade mari... Boh sausage, tabur cheddar & mozzarella cheese. Masuk airfryer 4-5mins. Rangup & yummeh...

Homemade wedges -- from fresh potatoes. Potong2 agak nipis2. Boh sesudu minyak jagung (olive oil dah abis), oregano & salt sikit. Masuk airfryer 15-18mins, terlebih sikit.
2nd batch aku buat 12-15mins mmg just nice.. Maybe sbb nipis2 tu...
Pastu makan cicah cheese dip... Uhhh mabeles!! Hihi
Sausage & cheese bread -- roti, homemade mari... Boh sausage, tabur cheddar & mozzarella cheese. Masuk airfryer 4-5mins. Rangup & yummeh...

Homemade wedges -- from fresh potatoes. Potong2 agak nipis2. Boh sesudu minyak jagung (olive oil dah abis), oregano & salt sikit. Masuk airfryer 15-18mins, terlebih sikit.
2nd batch aku buat 12-15mins mmg just nice.. Maybe sbb nipis2 tu...
Pastu makan cicah cheese dip... Uhhh mabeles!! Hihi
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