Friday, October 9, 2009


ingatkan ari tu pas raya ku komplen pasal cracked nipple kan...

rentetan dari itu ----

i'm suffering from nipple thrush!!

Faris pon ada oral thrush...

THRUSH is aka candidiasis or fungal infection usually caused by a fungus known as Candida sp.

sakit and gatal nye na'uzubillah....

Allah je yg tau betapa sakit & seksanye...

SAKIT memang sampai ku rase kaki kejang2 cam tahan sakit contraction tau... sakit time Faris isap and kadang2 berdenyut2 bila-bila masa

GATAL nye masyaAllah.... kalau tak tahan ku garuk jugak!!! esp malam!!

how do i treat it???

ku guna Nystatin suspension utk sapu mulut Faris

and ku sapu gaks Nystatin susp tu around my areolar & nipples -- since i dont want to use other creams that maybe harmful if Faris accidentally ingest 'em (kalu aku tak cuci betul2)

and ultimately, i've started taking Fluconazole tablet -- an antifungal to treat candidiasis (or aka thrush). BUT Fluconazole is not recommended for baby below 6 months old.

Since it can also be excreted into breastmilk, i have to stop BF... yessss... ini yang paling mencabar..

BM yang ku pam di siang hari telah selamat DIBUANG begitu saje uhuk uhuk... at least 20oz terbuang hasil pumping kat tpt keje :(

tp ku teruskan direct BF waktu mlm, if possible selewat yg mungkin. Since fluconazole is a daily dose, ku mkn kul 6 pg and hoping by malam the level excreted in breastmilk will be lesser

why i only b'feed at night???


ada site cakap tak kisah leh continue b'feeding since the antifungal can be used to treat the baby as well.

but pharmacist (read: my SIL) ckp takleh bagi kat baby below 6mo.

tapi ada je newborn/premie babies been treated successfully with this antifungal.

ada study done stated that fluconazole level in BM is less than level in plasma. So this level is considered safe for babies based on the dose used to treat the newborns.

so, taking all the above 'statements' and the fact that Faris always direct BF at night, so ku hanya BF him at night.

i would try to delay the time if possible.

For eg, 1st day, i only BF him after 12mn. He tolerated the bottles..

but 2nd day, he only accepted bottle in the evening, pastu refused... pas dapat nenen direct, dia refused to let go... bergantung sepanjang malam huwarggghhh...

hari seterusnya, gitu jugak.. kalu dia ngamok sgt and tak isap langsung botol, baru ku direct BF

actually Fluconazole should be taken for 7 to 14 days... tp ku hanya dapat amik 3 hari... owhhh sangat tak aci!!!!! bukan sbb ku tak compliant, tp ku tak tahan tengok Faris kemaruk mencarik... tambah lak ni weekend!!

now -- much much improved. His thrush dh takde. Ku still apply the nystatin suspension -- to prevent relapse.

gatal2 sudah manyak kurang!!! tp dia gatal2 tu kat tepi2 areolar tu taw.. siap kering2 lagi area kulit situ..

sakit?? owwhhh masih ada... masih kejang2 kaki menahan bila Faris isap. Tp sakit tu tak selama dulu meaning bila BF is established, the pain goes away (denyut sikit2 tu ada lah...) kalau memula dulu sakit sepjg feeding tau...

sakit dia kan, kalu nak describe -- it's deep pain.. sakit ya amat!! bayagkan nk pam pon guna suction level 2 je, tp sakit bila pam hanyalah 2/10 sakit ketika dirct BF ye....

nway, ku hanya berdoa moga ku cepat2 baik.. x syok tau BF dlm kesakitan.. uhuk uhuk...

sorry ku tak dapat nak attach any articles on this matter.. masa ku terhad. InsyaAllah kalu ada masa ku tolong C&P articles abt thrush ni ye.. buat masa ni, kalu anda berminat nak tau lebih psl ni -- go google lah... manyak je articles psl ni TAPI kalu anda mengalami problem ini atau tak sure sila consult your clinician ye.. jangan amik bulat2 apa yang ada di internet. Tak semua info betul.... sekian terima kasih

1 comment:

DNNA said...

Gitu rupanya kisahmu mek ...
Cian ko and cian Faris ...
Harapnya cepat-cepat la baik ...
Amiin ...


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